Paul Blazer Library subscribes to multiple academic databases - so many, in fact, that it may be difficult for you to choose which one to utilize when doing your research. To help simplify matters, this blog will periodically focus on specific databases to help explain why you would want to use them. Today, our focus is on Ethnic NewsWatch, a ProQuest product.
Ethnic NewsWatch provides access to full text of Spanish-, English-language and bilingual newspapers, magazines, and journals plus other multicultural publications from the ethnic, minority, and native press through Ethnic NewsWatch (ENW). Titles include La Opinion, El Nuevo Herald, El Diario/La Prensa, Mundo Hispanico, Hispanic, The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education, and many more (none of which overlap PRISMA). Much of this content is available only in ENW. And of its one million-plus articles, nearly a quarter are in Spanish, making ENW an unmatched bilingual diversity database. To complement this wealth of untranslated titles, help options and screen assists are also available in Spanish.