From now on, the Paul Blazer Library Blog will periodically shine a spotlight on one of its staff or faculty member with the intent of letting you know us better as an organization, one person at a time. The focus of today's Inside Scoop is Dantrea Hampton-Norphlet.
Dantrea is the Periodicals/Reference Librarian here at Paul G. Blazer Library. She has a very strong tie to the university not only as a faculty member, but as an alumnus. She graduated from KSU in 1998 with a bachelor’s degree in Physical Education. Since 1998 she has been working at the library in both paraprofessional and professional capacities. Prior to completing her Master’s in Library Science from the University of Kentucky in 2002, she worked in Technical Services as a Library Assistant and Serials Holdings Project Cataloger.
Since 2002 she has been the Periodicals/Reference Librarian. In this time she has also served as the Web Coordinator and Integrated Library Systems Manager for the library. In addition to her library experience, she has served on a variety of university committees such as All University Court, Advisor for Kentucky State University Chapter of NAACP, and the Faculty Senate.
On a more personal note, when she is not at the library or the university she enjoys spending time with her family. Some other interests of Dantrea include interior design, singing, watching boxing, and participating in outdoor sports and activities. Dantrea, and the rest of the staff at the library, are eager to assist you with your information needs. If you have any questions feel free to stop by the Reference or Periodicals departments for assistance.
profile written by Benjamin Rawlins