Over the course of the last two weeks, Paul G. Blazer Library has been fortunate enough to host some of Kentucky's brightest young scholars. These students are on the Kentucky State University campus as a part of the PACT and REAP summer programs, and while the majority of their research has occurred in the field, we have been fortunate to assist them in their research when they visited the Library for bibliographic instruction. A little background about the programs:
The PACT Program began in July of 2006 and was created by the Land Grant Program of Kentucky State University. It was developed to motivate middle school students to pursue careers in technology, science, mathematics, and related fields of study. The program is centered upon a Problem-Based Learning Curriculum that encourages critical thinking and enhances interdisciplinary knowledge and skills. Participants in the program do hands-on scientific research under the tutelage of resident scientists on campus while utilizing some of the latest technology in the field.
The REAP program provides a summer of learning to motivated students in grades 8-11 who are interested in gaining "first hand" experiences in the various fields of agricultural sciences and natural resources. Interns will learn about scientific research, agricultural extension, natural resources, and other related career opportunities. While gaining this experience interns spend approximately seven weeks on the KYSU campus, where their living expenses on campus are provided for, and on top which they earn a weekly stipend.
We at Paul G. Blazer Library have felt lucky to aid in the research endeavors of such inspiring young minds!