Sharon McGee, Blazer Library’s Archives Records Manager/Librarian, was the Creative Designer for the 2011 Archives Month poster created each year by a member of the Kentucky Archives Month Coordinating Committee. The poster is created in celebration of Archives Month and is distributed to over 300 repositories in the Commonwealth of Kentucky and to every state in the nation, including the U. S. Territories. Archives Month is an annual celebration of the importance of archives and historical records and of the work institutions do to preserve these unique resources. Members of the Kentucky Archives Month Coordinating Committee submit images from their institution that relate to the theme for the year to be used in the poster. The theme for this year is Military, in honor of Kentucky’s rich military heritage. The facilities and their collections at our Kentucky institutions are quite varied, but together, they hold a rich documentary legacy which shapes our understanding of the state’s past and our assessment of its future. Kentucky’s Archives Month gives all participants a wonderful opportunity to meet new users, build institutional support, showcase holdings, and to explain why preserving history is important. Kentucky Archives Month is sponsored by the Kentucky State Historical Records Advisory Board, the Kentucky Council on Archives, and the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives. For more information on Kentucky Archives Month, visit http://archivesmonth.ky.gov/.