Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Kentucky Archives Month Poster

Friday, September 16, 2011
LearningExpress Library Trial
Check out the trial of the resource LearninExpress Library available until October 31, 2011. LearningExpress Library is an innovative, Web-based learning solution that provides patrons, from elementary students to adult learners, with instant access to the most comprehensive collection of test preparation tools, skill-building materials, and career resources available. Over 1,000 online practice tests and interactive skill-building tutorials are available. There are also tutorials and tools for popular software such as Photoshop and Excel, and Admissions and Placement Preparation.
Check out this resource on the library's database page and let us know what you think. You can view a demo of LearningExpress Library by clicking on this link.Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Blazer Library iPhone App

Got an iPhone or iPod Touch? If you do then you can download Blazer Library's new iPhone app, Blazer, from iTunes.
Paul G. Blazer Library's iPhone app includes access to library resources such as the catalog and other mobile resources that include various databases. In addition, check to see when the library is open, how to contact us with any questions, view library maps, renews items, and connect to us through different social networking sites. The application also has a built in barcode scanner that interprets ISBN barcodes and QR codes.
Click on this link or search "Blazer" in iTunes to download the app.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Blazer Library Android App

Got an Anroid device? If you do then you can download Blazer Library's new Android App, PGB Library, from the Android Market.
Paul G. Blazer Library's Android app includes access to library resources such as the catalog and other mobile resources that include various databases. In addition, check to see when the library is open, contact us with any questions, view library maps, renew items, and connect to us through different social networking sites. The applicaiton also has a built in feature that allows you to enter an ISBN barcode and search to see if it is available at Blazer Library.
Click on this link or search "PGB" in the Android Market to download the app. Also, be on the look out for an upcoming iPhone application and redesigned mobile website that are to be released soon.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Do You Know Tabeleau?
Tableau was one such tool and it captivated me instantly. The Tableau website promises to "make data a first class citizen on the web". With its easy to use structure - relying wholly on "drag and drop" - Tableau makes it incredibly easy to visualize data via any of your organization's web presences. Below you will find a simple example I created in 15 minutes, demonstrating the increase in use of one of Blazer's subscription databases, Literature Resource Center. With increasing demands for accountability in service (not just within libraries, but within all institutions, really), it is easy to envision the applications for pushing evidence of achievement back to demanding constituents.
After you check out my example, make your own. Visit Tabelau at: http://www.tableausoftware.com/public
Friday, July 8, 2011
Take a look...
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Saucy Summer Reads
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Graduates Go Forth...and Do the Dougie!
This year's commencement speaker ensured that Commencement was as fun and inspiring as it was moving. Ms. Lezli Baskerville, the fifth President and CEO of the National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education, charged our graduates with the task of going out into the world to fix the ills that plague it. That may be a common enough sentiment, but Ms. Baskerville, a seasoned lawyer and a published expert in the field of equal employment opportunity, education access, affirmative action and diversity issues, is also a mighty fine dancer. As she challenged the graduates to be change agents, she led them in an inspiring chant punctuated by the Dougie. The audience roared with laughter as they danced the infamous dance move while pledging to better the future they had just inherited. It was a great beginning to this happy ending.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Frank X Walker Reading

Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Historian, Scholar and Social Critic Manning Marable dies at 60.
Works by Manning Marable, at the Blazer Library:
How Capitalism Underdeveloped Black America African and Caribbean Politics
WEB Dubois: Black Radical Democrat Beyond Black and White
The New Black Renaissance Freedom: a photographic history of the African American struggle / text by Manning Marable and Leith Mullings; pictures edited by Sophie Spencer-Wood.
The third reconstruction: Black Nationalism and race relations after the revolution
Black Nationalism in the seventies: through the prism of race and class
The road toward Black power
Sexism and the struggle for Black liberation
Reaction: the political economy of the New South
The land question in the South
The fire this time: the Miami rebellion, 1980
Rethinking the seventies: the destruction of the Black movement
Blacks and the draft: a history of racism.
Malcolm X: A life of Reinvention (On Order)
Gray, Paul. (1998, June 8). Required reading: non fiction books. Retrieved from http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,988496-2,00.html
Goodman, Amy (Performer). (2005 February 21). Manning Marable on Malcolm X: a life of reinvention [Radio series episode]. In (Executive producer), Democracy Now. New York: Pacifica Radio.
Goodman, Amy (Performer). (2011 April 4). Malcolm X: a life of reinvention: Manning Marable’s new biography investigates conflicted reality of the civil rights leader [Radio series episode]. In (Executive producer), Democracy Now. New York: Pacifica Radio.
Monday, April 11, 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Blazer Library has gone Mobile!!!

Blazer Library has gone mobile. Now you can check the library's hours, search the catalog, and search select library databases all from your mobile device. Click on the QR code below to access the mobile website or visit http://kysu.kyvl.org/mobile/index.html.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Frank X. Walker is Coming to KSU!
For more information, such as where to park on campus when attending, visit the special site created for the event: http://kysu.kyvl.org/events/frank.html
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Inside Scoop on Jason Lewis

While he was a student at KSU, Jason was a member of the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. He also played basketball at KSU throughout his undergraduate career and was a member of the 2000-2001 SIAC Championship Basketball Team. Following his senior year, he even played one year of basketball in London, England before coming back to KSU to complete his MPA.
In his spare time, he enjoys making Hip Hop Music, writing, and reading socially and spiritually conscious literature. He currently serves as the Advisor to KYSU’s chapter of Phi Beta Sigma. His motivation in life is his 4yr Princess, Anyssa-Zhi Lewis.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Poetry Slam Pics

Patrick shared his thoughts on everything from God to sex and in the end tied for second place with Chris, earning $20 for his efforts.

Two of the judges are shown here - new Interlibrary Loan Librarian Raphael Jackson and Library Director Sheila Stuckey

Miesha won first place - an honor worth $50 - for her wry lightening-fast reflections on the intersections between love and pop culture. She had the audience laughing and cheering more than once as they demanded more of her.

All in all, the event was a rousing success and Blazer Library considers itself lucky to have played a part in the first Kentucky Literacy Celebration. We can't wait to see next year's talent!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Pics from the African American Read-In

Ben Rawlins, Systems Librarian, reading from James Baldwin
Other selections shared at the Read-In included passages from
Monday, February 14, 2011
22nd Annual National African American Read-In at Blazer Library
Blazer Library Cordially Invites You to Participate
In the
Twenty-Second National African American Read-In
What: Share a selection from your favorite African American Author and count yourself among the millions who have participated worldwide
Why: To make literacy an important part of Black History Month celebrations
When: Tuesday, February 22nd at 11:00 a.m.
Who: Anyone in the KYSU community who cares about African American literature
Free Refreshments Provided!
Monday, January 24, 2011
ALA Midwinter 2011: Straight from the Stacks to the Smartphone
ALA Midwinter 2011: Straight from the Stacks to the Smartphone
Way to go, Ben! Blazer Library is proud of your hard work!